Sunday, April 19, 2015

In The Light of Day

Size   H 10" x W 6"   Collage   molding paste, quill and ink, Fluid Acrylics, various papers

I have added a new page to my website, for Small Work.  If you would like to view them all as well as my larger pieces,  the link is at the top right of the opening blog page. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Haunted by the Past

Wanted to post some of my new pieces, There are 4 new pieces added. My scanner is finally working again!  New, as in recently finished, but all so new, as in my work is changing, evolving, which is how it should happen. 

I am working on a smaller scale, still collage, but drawing on the collage itself, or using odd bits of drawings. The work is more spontaneous.  It begins with a ground of Molding Paste to create a Multi textured layer to build upon.

More news, Falling Together, which was in the Arizona show sold.  Very happy about that.
  Thanks for viewing.

A New World Order

2nd of my new work

Size   H 4" x 11"     Collage    Fluid Acrylics, Molding Paste, Various Papers

Spinning Thru the Universe

3rd New small work
  Size   10" x 6"    Ink,  Fluid Acrylics, Various papers

A New World Coming

4th of my new work.  

H 6" x 8"     Medium    Collage,   Ink, Alcohol Inks, Various Papers